
About Sustainability Matters

SustaRJS_Website_1inability Matters is Ray Skinner, or perhaps Ray Skinner is Sustainability Matters – take your pick!  As entities go it is no more than the size of an atom on a full-sized football field (you decide if that’s rugby, rugby league, gridiron, soccer or something else).

Within being small and thinking big endeavours are made to advocate for ‘sustainability’ and assisting individuals business and other entities achieve a tomorrow for tomorrow’s children – call it ‘7 generation thinking’

Small, flexible, versatile, independent and reliable, providing a wide range of skills and expertise.

Ray is an enthusiastic promoter of ‘sustainability’, including the long term survival of humans – everything else would survive if it were not for them!

Ray is;

  • Qualified in management, secretarial and administrationRay_Website_2
  • A Chartered Accountant (FCA)
  • Experienced in auditing, especially internal auditing
  • Conversant with The Natural Step principles
  • Was once upon a time certified by Watercare Services Ltd in dynamic olfactometary to conduct odour monitoring for Waste Water Treatment Plant, North Shore City Council (November 2002).
  • A co-founder and committee member of the Sustainability Working Group a volunteer special interest group attached to the NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants [as it then was. Now CAANZ].  A co-convenor [co-chair] from inception early in 2001 to December 2006.
  • Compiler, editor and general factotum  of the fortnightly e-newsletter ‘Sustainability Matters‘ and;


A founding member of;

  • Auckland Environmental Business Network
  • NZ Businesses for Social Responsibility which

merged October 2002 to form the Sustainable Business Network, plus involvement with;

  • Anew NZ and the Foundation for Progress and Wellbeing.
  • A member of the Centre for Social & Environmental Accounting Research (St Andrews University, Scotland).

Ray’s interests include roles with several other volunteer entities, his family dispersed literally around the world, travel**, genealogy/family history,  extensive DIY, camping, sailing, et al.

More at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAIAAAC8tGIB387bB7-SyhyCiG2SVyicmkmgs2g

** Always conscience-pricking because of the social, environmental and financial implications.  A real dilemma even though constantly learning lots whilst traveling.

Honouring Ray event 21 August 2015

Honouring Ray event 21 August 2015.

Ray with Hilary Barry at CA ANZ Presidential Dinner and Fellowship Awards September 2016

Ray with Hilary Barry at CA ANZ Presidential Dinner and Fellowship Awards event September 2016 during which he received his FCA certificate.

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