Sustainability Matters 2nd March 2017

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Overcoming Societal Addictions: What Can We Learn From Individual Therapies?
•    Investing in People and the Planet
•    Think Resilience: Preparing Communities for the Rest of the 21st Century
•    Towards a Framework for Defining and Measuring Changes in Natural Capital
•    Life In a Post-flying Australia, and Why it Might Actually be OK
•    Plastic Waste into Concrete
•    Whether You Run Your Business for Short Term Gains or Sustainable Goals, Readers of Your Annual Report Should be Able to Tell
•    Who’s Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military
•    VisionFund International, Microfinance Network – Social Performance Report
•    Declare in New Zealand
•    ‘Planned Retreat’ Enters the Climate Dialogue
•    Al Gore Principal Speaker at ECOCITY World Summit 2017 – Melbourne
•    Otago Polytechnic, Student Village Dunedin
•    10 Reasons to Build Resilience
•    The Power Use and Mis-use of Social Media and Big Money
•    National Network Manager
•    New Zealand One of 19 Full Democracies
•    Building a Human Economy
•    Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals Natural Capital Protocol Recognised as Important Tool
•    Ireland to Become First Country to Fully Divest from Fossil Fuels.

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