Sustainability Matters 1st February 2024

Welcome to the second edition of Sustainability Matters in which you can read about;

      •    66 Good News Stories You Didn’t Hear About in 2023
      •    James Shaw Steps Down as Greens Co-Leader
      •    Australian Climate-related Financial Disclosure: Exposure Draft Legislation
      •    In Juneau, Alaska, A Carbon Offset Project Which is Actually Working
      •    Transformative Program Evaluation for Sustainability Degrees
      •    It’s Concerning Just How Many Have Been Sucked in by the Anthropogenic Climate Change Fraud
      •    Heart of Country
      •    Starting out on Sustainability Workshops
      •    2024 Annual Trends Report: The Next Steps for Sustainable Business
      •    An Ancient Chinese Text Surprisingly Relevant Today
      •    2023 was World’s Hottest Year on Record, EU Scientists Confirm
      •    The Neglected Clean Heat We Flush Down the Drains
      •    BrandWatch: In Davos, Brands and Faith Groups Join Hands in an Unlikely Alliance
      •    The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) Explained
      •    Introducing Sustainability: The What, Why and How
      •    Nature Positive Initiative Launches to Promote the Integrity and Implementation of the Global Goal for Nature
      •    Skills Bottleneck Threatens NZ Transition to Renewables
      •    Sustainability Communications and Disclosure Handbook 2024
      •    12 Climate Fiction Stories or Future Ancestors Celebrated.

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