Sustainability Matters 19th December 2016

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Peace Officers Initiative
•    Climate Related Financial Disclosure for Business: An Imperative for 2017
•    10 Years On From the Stern Report
•    Sustainability Analyst – T&G
•    Why I Have Been Unemployed for Two Years
•    The Global Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels has Doubled Since 2015
•    Leadership in Sustainable Business
•    Sustainability Reporting in Stock Exchanges ‘Comes of Age’
•    Do we Have All the Knowledge we Need for a Sustainable Future?
•    Maximising Utility – Taking Measures of Wellbeing Seriously in Policy
•    In Some Ways, Nothing Changed
•    Greens Secure Two Important Bills from Ballot
•    Human Rights Challenges for Business in 2017
•    Sustainability Practices Dashboard
•    David Attenborough on Climate Change: ‘The World Will be Transformed’ – video
•    Bonuses.

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