Sustainability Matters 18th January 2024

Welcome to this first 2024 edition of Sustainability Matters.
For the first time ever, this edition contains content taking up most of page 4 on a subject which world-wide is regarded as horrid and controversial. Although unique in many ways in others it is not. It is though tightly aligned to ‘sustainability’. On that note, in this edition you can read about;

      •    The Year in Cheer: 177 Ways the World Got Better in 2023
      •    Accounting for a Better World
      •    A Practical Guide to Reducing Upfront Carbon Emissions
      •    The Actual Final Agreement from COP28
      •    Planet Earth III
      •    EcoFest 2024 – Auckland-wide
      •    EU Taxonomy Report: Unsung Cornerstone of ESG Disclosure
      •    Checklist for Smarter Appliance Shopping
      •    IFRS Sustainability Knowledge Hub
      •    PetroStates of Decline: Oil and Gas Producers Face Growing Fiscal risks as the Energy Transition Unfolds
      •    Mentoring for Sustainability Professionals
      •    How to Assess and Act on Your Sustainability Priorities,/em>
      •    Bottled Water Has up to 100 Times More Plastic Particles Than Previously Thought
      •    Corporate Climate Commitments Undermined by Lobbying Practices
      •   As Plastic Production Grows, Treaty Negotiations to Reduce Plastic Waste are Stuck in Low Gear
      •   Groups in NZ which Could Align with Your Sustainability Ethos
      •    Cheap Climate Grace
      •    Fighting Big Ag Pollution with Maps and Math
      •    Hearings in The Hague in Case Claiming Israel’s Gaza War is Genocide
      •    Emissions from Israel’s War in Gaza Have ’Immense’ Effect on Climate Catastrophe
      •    77 Groups Worldwide Back Genocide Lawsuit Against Biden in U.S. Court
      •    Sanders to Force Senate Vote on Probing Israeli War Crimes.

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