Sustainability Matters 16th March 2017

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Invisible Wounds
•    Reduce Building Running Costs – ‘FreeBee’!
•    The Story of Microfibers
•    90% of Rivers and Lakes Swimmable by 2040
•    Flame Retardants Linked to Child Aggression
•    Discover and Exchange Ideas
•    World Renowned Social Entrepreneur Prof. Muhammad Yunus to Visit Christchurch
•    2016 Legatum Prosperity Index™
•    IdealCup Coffee Couple Want to Make Motueka a Disposable Cup-free Zone
•    Where Companies With a Long-term View Outperform their Peers
•    Environmental Product Declarations – Webinar
•    If We Are Reaching Neoliberal Capitalism’s End Days, What Comes Next?
•    Certifying Quality Buildings – A Transformative Opportunity
•    CSEAR Teaching Case Study Competition 2017
•    Activists Paying with Their Lives
•    Enter Finance for the Future Awards 2017
•    Would-be Environmental Accountant Meets Mother Nature in a Pub: A Dialogue
•    Context and Capitals – The Next Big Things in Corporate Sustainability
•    LED Wireless Street Lighting System in Cambodia Wins Award
•    Cruise Companies Cutting Air Pollutants

Maggie Lawton

A ‘young’ Maggie Lawton departed this realm on 13th March as the result of cancer.

  • An extraordinary person Maggie contributed considerably to ‘sustainability’ and
  • communities throughout New Zealand. Some insights of Maggie and her contributions
  • are expressed very ably by Rachael Brown CEO of Sustainable Business Network at
  • To see the newsletter click here.


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