Sustainability Matters 16th February 2023

Welcome to this edition of Sustainability Matters in which you can read about;

      •    Extreme Weather Warnings Fail to Trigger Climate Action: Study
      •    Jonathon Porritt on Privilege and Responsibility
      •    The Future CAN be Positive
      •    Circuses Have Evolved – So Must Climate Summits
      •    Three Books About Degrowth
      •    Valuing Nature: The Case for Nature-Related Assessment & Disclosure
      •    Mushrooms and Hemp Insulation
      •    Energy Storage is Going Underground
      •    Miracle Trees!
      •    ‘Climate Quitters’: 20% of UK Workers Turn Down Jobs Based on Poor ESG Commitments
      •    Climate Action Grants
      •    Celebrate Environmental Action and Sustainable Living in Auckland
      •    A Report Card for 2022 – How Would You Guess New Zealand Fared?
      •    WEF: Global Risks Report 2023
      •    Toolbox for a More Sustainable Supply Chain
      •    The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions
      •    What Now for Auckland? Four Ideas for a More Climate Resilient City
      •    The Role of Regulation and Policy in Incentivising Scope 3 GHG Reporting
      •    Rich Countries’ Stinginess, Spread Too Thin
      •    Still Present Although Gone.

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