Sustainability Matters 27th April 2017

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Call to Arms: Put the Love Back Into Politics
•    Zero Carbon Act Summary
•    Are You EDS’s New Resource Management Policy Advisor?
•    Free Workshop – Measuring the Financial ROI of Environment & Sustainability Training
•    Delivering Procurement with Impact
•    Stories Create Empathy and Empathy Helps Drive Change
•    World Bank Ignores Land Grabbing – Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas
•    Stories Create Empathy and Empathy Helps Drive Change
•    Growing the Future: Urban Biodynamics Conference
•    Coal Museum Switches to Solar to Save Money
•    IIRC Welcomes Significant Endorsement of Integrated Reporting by IFAC
•    Role of Professional Accountants in Enhancing Integrated Reporting
•    Empowering NZ
•    UK Move to Cut Plastic Waste with Innovative Water Balls
•    The Hidden Life of Trees
•    Scientists: Global Warming Causes Canadian River to Vanish in Four Days
•    Finally, a Breakthrough Alternative to Growth Economics – The Doughnut
•    Master of Social Innovation – AUT
•    Here, Cutting Down Millions of Trees is Actually a Good Thing
•    City of Sydney Adopts Net Zero Emissions Plan
•    Hot Apartments: ‘If We Need Air Conditioning, We’ve Designed it Wrong’.

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