Sustainability Matters 26th May 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;

      •    The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review: 9 Key Takeaways
      •    Countering Climate Disinformation
      •    ISSB outlines Actions Required to Deliver Global Baseline of Sustainability Disclosures
      •    Decarbonising the World’s Industries: A net-zero Guide for Nine Key Sectors
      •    Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis
      •    Our Thriving City
      •    That’s Wild: Ants as Architects and Engineers
      •    Step-by-step Guides for Nature Regeneration
      •    Sustainability Media Academy for Asian Journalists Unveiled
      •    How the Cult of Productivity Torpedoes Sustainability and Equity
      •    VanCity: Products and Services to Address Climate Change
      •    CA ANZ Surveys Members About Climate
      •    DEGROWTH – Persuading the Unpersuadable to Think the Unthinkable
      •    Costs and Benefits of Climate-Related Disclosure Activities by Corporate Issuers and Institutional Investors
      •   Future Thinker of the Year 2022 Awards.

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 12th May 2022

In this 21st anniversary edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;

      •    Kate Raworth: Net-zero is Not Enough, Businesses Must Shoot for Net-positive
      •    Climate Panel Opens Front in New Battle – We Can’t Delay Fighting
      •    Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take
      •    Too Much Money: How Wealth Disparities are Unbalancing Aotearoa New Zealand
      •    37 Ways to Make a Difference in the World
      •    Largest Solar Farm to be Built Near Taupō
      •    PCE: Hydrogen Could Make Emissions Budgets Unachievable
      •    Toxic Effects of PVC/Vinyl to be Analysed
      •    ERP & Climate Mitigation Implementation
      •    The Failure of Global Elites
      •    Sea Level Rise to Affect New Zealand Sooner than Expected
      •    Capitals Coalition to Host ‘Digitalizing Sustainability Data’ Project
      •    Lithium Mining Is Leaving Chile’s Indigenous Communities High and Dry (Literally)
      •    Six Ways to Build Resilience and Hope into Young People’s Climate Change Learning
      •    The Changing Climate for Credit Unions
      •    In Passing – A 21st Birthday

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Sustainability Matters 28th April 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;
      •    Carbon Literacy: UK Government Unveils New Climate-focused Education Strategy
      •    Once You Know
      •    No, Burning Wood Fuels Is Not Climate-Friendly
      •    NZ Scrubbed ‘Plant-based’ Diets from Report
      •    Up to 28 Million in East Africa Face Severe Hunger
      •    Lord of the Swans: The Tragedy of the Enclosure of the Commons
      •    Skill Up Your Activism: Educate Yourself!
      •    Sustainability and Impact Strategy Practitioner Course
      •    Insights on New Zealand Sustainability Professionals – Launch of Findings
      •    Tuvalu’s Government Reverses Decision To Support Sea Mining
      •    Annual Meetings are the New Frontline in the Battle Over Corporate Purpose
      •    The Good Ancestor: How to Think Long-Term in a Short-Term World
      •    Seniors Offer Hope in Climate Crisis
      •    The Big Switch: Australia’s Electric Future
      •    Seven Questions to Make Your Packaging More Sustainable
      •    How Can Governments be Held More Accountable for Environment Stewardship?
      •    Sustainable Packaging Highlighted for New Zealand Exporters
      •    Why Electric Vehicles will Not Save the Planet
      •    Why Are Nature-Based Solutions on Climate Being Overlooked?

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 14th April 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;
      •    An ‘Ecological Constitution’ for Chile?
      •    Meet the ‘Future Generations’ Commissioner of Wales
      •    The IPCC Report – 3,675 pages
      •    Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Climate Case
      •    Valuing Nature and People to Inform Business Decision-making
      •    TCFD Mandate: Everything to Know About the UK’s Climate Disclosure Requirements
      •    Sweden Could be First Country to Target Consumption-based Emission Cuts
      •    NZ’s Environmental Hero of the Year: Charmaine Bailie
      •    Exposure Drafts on Climate and General Sustainability-related Financial Disclosures Published by ISSB
      •    Green Gremlins: The Hidden Fraud Risks in ESG Branding
      •    Wild Sounds: The Loss of Sonic Diversity and Why it Matters
      •    Opposition to ‘Human Rights’ in Nature Talks
      •    The Promise of Farming with Solar Panels
      •    The Green Divide: How Wealth Buys Shade in a Warming World
      •    The 2022 Chocolate Scorecard
      •    Beverage Container Return Scheme for NZ
      •    NZ’s New Water Regulator Not a Guarantee Drinking Water Standards will Improve
      •    How Biochar can Mitigate Carbon in Farmlands and Urban Centres
      •    78 year old’s Four-wheeled Electric Bike
      •    Ecuador Grants Wild Animals Legal Rights in a World First
      •    Travel Choices: A Personal Dilemma

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 31st March 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;

      •    Panama Legislates to Give Nature Rights
      •    Global Accounting Bodies Urge Profession-wide Commitment to Reverse Nature Loss
      •    IFRS and GRI to Align Standards
      •    SEC Proposed Rule for Mandatory Climate Disclosure by all U.S. Public Companies
      •    Milked: White Lies in Dairy Land
      •    NZ’s First Climate Solutions Directory
      •    Architecture Built 1,000 Years Ago to Catch Rain
      •    Better Futures 2022 Report
      •    NZ Climate-related Disclosures – Your Say
      •    Climate Finance Should Not be Made to Compete With Aid to Ukraine
      •    SME’s Strongly Support Climate Change Action but are Confused How to Progress
      •    Launch of SBN’s Circular Economy Directory
      •    It’s Time to Let the Kids Decide How Auckland Will Look in 2070
      •    Planes, Trains and the Climate Crisis – Why NZ Shouldn’t be Closing its Railways
      •    32 Reasons Why Everything Will Be Okay

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 17th March 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;

      •   A History Lesson about Ukraine
      •   Building a Global Circular Economy
      •   Reimagining Corporations: Putting Profits and Power with Workers and Communities
      •   IMHO: How Green is Your Budget?
      •   It’s Our Future: Share Your Climate Story
      •   The Limits to Growth at 50: From Scenarios to Unfolding Reality
      •   Introduction to Social Accounting and Audit
      •   A Use for Old Wind Turbine Blades After They’re Retired
      •   Edible Extinction: Why We Need to Revive Global Food Diversity
      •   Australian Companies are Failing to Comply with Modern Slavery Laws
      •   Update on the Resource Management Act
      •   Accelerating Transition, Building Resilience
      •   Stop Saving the Planet: An Environmentalist Manifesto
      •   Stop Ecocide: Change the Law, Protect the Earth
      •   Starting Out on Sustainability
      •   A Bicycle Is an Anti-Poverty Machine
      •   Architecture Built 1,000 years ago Revived
      •   Wellbeing Budgets and the Environment: A Promised Land?
      •   Low Carbon Aotearoa: Energy Roadmap
      •   The Taming of the Slough: Humanity’s History of Trying to Control Water
      •   What Anti Consumption Research is Telling us About the Challenges for a Sustainable Future

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 3rd March 2022

In this edition of Sustainability Matters you can read about;

      •    Remembering Janice Skinner
      •    Remembering Peter Neilson
      •    This Year’s Most Inspiring Documentaries
      •    The Sustainable Business Handbook
      •    It’s Not Just Climate: Are We Ignoring Other Causes of Disasters?
      •    Report: Preparing for SEC Climate Reporting Rule Changes in 2022
      •    Growing Wave of Climate Cases Piles Pressure on Private Sector
      •    Sustainable Procurement Activator Course
      •    Explainer: The Many Shades of Hydrogen
      •    Massachusetts Will Host the First US Solar on Highway Sound Barriers
      •    Is Bamboo Sustainable?
      •    Ice Box Challenge
      •    Consultants Owe duty of Care – USA Bellweather Case
      •    Cutting Plastic Construction Waste
      •    The Role of ESG and Purpose
      •    13 Toxic Chemicals Lurking in Your Home
      •    Paul Hawken: Regeneration in the Climate Movement
      •    Investors Urge Miners to Change Ways After Damning Rio Tinto Workplace Report
      •    Degrowth: On the Way to a Steady State Economy
      •    Rethinking What Cities Are For
      •    Dennis Meadows on the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of The Limits to Growth
      •    Your 2022 Sustainability Workout Programme!

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