Sustainability Matters 26th May 2016

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    How to Let Go of the World and Love all the Things Climate Can’t Change
•    Inside Syria’s Besieged Areas
•    Sustainability Manager – Waitemata DHB
•    Impact of Tree Planting – Photos
•    The Waste Levy, a Waste of Time?
•    Some USA Fracking Facts
•    Lead and Influence Sustainability
•    Printing Costs – Habitual, Often Mindless Choices
•    Electric Bikes – Good Info to Know
•    Technical Guide for ISO 14001:2015
•    Growth vs Fixed Mindset: What Does it Mean for Sustainability?
•    Why More is Too Much, and Less is Beautiful
•    Purpose
•    Auckland Sustainable Housing Summit
•    Leaked Docs Reveal TTIP Unfriendly to Environment, Consumers, Democracy
•    Using Sport to Save Energy Wins Award
•    Revision of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems
•    Finding Ways to Stop Spraying Crops.

To see the newsletter click here.


Sustainability Matters 12th May 2016

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Neoliberalism – The Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems
•    We Scientists Don’t Know How to Do That
•    Two Important UN Appointments
•    Vast Planting of Trees Needed to Boost Green Economy
•    Revision of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems
•    ISO 5001 – Have You Heard About It?
•    Some USA Fracking Facts
•    Electric Bikes – Good Info to Know
•    Carbon Targets for Shipping – Pressure
•    Driven by Purpose with Intrepid Travel Co-Founder Geoff Manchester
•    For James Hansen, the Science Demands Activism on Climate
•    Climate Change Implications for NZ
•    Making Australian Groundwater Data Accessible to All Defining What Matters
•    Creating Living Buildings and Integrated Design: Short Course
•    Teaching Case Study Competition
•    Nepal Earthquake – Consequences

To see the newsletter click here.


Sustainability Matters 28th April 2016

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Project Litefoot: New Zealand’s Gamified Green-sports Movement
•    Polluted Inheritance
•    Ten Things NZ Should be Doing Now to Combat Climate Change
•    A-CSEAR Conference 2016
•    From Finance to Farmer – ‘Incredible’ Permaculture Farm Created in 3 Years!
•    It’s How You Pitch It
•    AMP Capital Opens up Responsible Investment from $2,000
•    The Someday Challenge
•    Reality Bites the Dairy Industry: De-intensify or Sell, Dairy Farmers’ Choice
•    Integrated Reporting Swells Britain’s Soft Power
•    World’s Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund  Drops 11 Companies Over Deforestation
•    Auckland Sustainable Housing Summit 2016: Scaling up Sustainably
•    Australia and New Zealand’s Ethical Fashion Companies for 2016 Revealed
•    The Great Denmark to Become A 100% Organic Country
•    Wind Turbine of the Future
•    Workshop: Create Tangible Business Value through Life Cycle Assessments
•    Climate Hypocrisy: JP Morgan’s Empty Promises on Coal
•    Disobedience: Courage to Break Free

To see the newsletter click here.


Sustainability Matters 14th April 2016

In this ‘monster’ 6 page** edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Policy Makers Raising the Bar on Sustainability Reporting Worldwide
•    How to Make a Nation: A Monocle Guide
•    Edelman Trust Barometer Published in NZ For the First Time
•    Why Would You Think About Becoming a TNS Professional?
•    What if Every Act of Design and Construction Made the World a Better Place?
•    The Farm which Grows Climate Change Solutions
•    Fit for the Future: Be More Effective, Get More Done, with Less Stress
•    Antarctic Loss Could Double Sea Rise by 2100
•    Do Good Jobs
•    British Columbia Businesses Call for a Stronger Carbon Tax
•    Ecolabel Index
•    Environment & Sustainability Consulting Commercial Manager – Local & International
•    These 21 Countries are Cutting Carbon While Growing GDP
•    One Million Climate Jobs: Tackling the Environmental and Economic Crises
•    ‘Up to 100 Years’ to Restore Waikato River
•    The True Cost – Who Pays the Price for Our Clothing?
•    John Elkington’s Required Reading
•    Dairy Downturn Chance to Change
•    The Role of Internal Audit in Non-financial and Integrated Reporting
•    Success in a Time of Economic Distress
•    ACCA Welcomes Launch of the EC Public consultation on Non-financial Reporting Guidelines
•    Ranui Sustainable Brings Kiwi Innovators to Northland
•    Sorry, Feds: Kids Can Sue Over Climate Negligence, Judge Says
•    Battle of Giants: GRI vs SASB vs IR

** = Currently there is such a large amount of ‘relevant’ sustainability related material it seems appropriate to convey more of it to you.

To see the newsletter click here.


Sustainability Matters 31st March 2016

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    A Need for Trained Carbon Accountants
•    Tertiary Education and Training – Is it Fit for Purpose?
•    Warren Buffet’s Annual Letter to Investors
•    Integrated Reporting Training
•    Freshwater Consultation
•    Scientists: Seas Rising Faster than in Past 2800 Years
•    Why Your Board Should Care About Sustainable Development
•    Victoria Appoints Senior Leader in Sustainability
•    Time to Act: The Accountancy Profession’s Contribution to the SDG’s
•    Organic Market Outperformance
•    Sustainable Development in the World’s Fastest Growing Reporting Region
•    A Guide to Understanding Liquid Fuels Challenges and Moving Towards Stronger More Resilient Communities
•    2016 Green Ribbon Awards
•    ‘New Thinking on Sustainability’ Conference Publication

To see the newsletter click here.


Sustainability Matters 17th March 2016

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    State of Nation Report 2016
•    Fonterra to Pay Organic Milk Farmers at Market Rates
•    Peak Milk: Why Dairying’s Big Dollar Days are Over
•    How to Tell Your Sustainability Story
•    Updated ISO 14004 Environmental Management Guidance Standard
•    Aligning Agendas and Getting on With It
•    Stern Warns Economic Models Underestimating Climate Risks
•    Analytical Tools for Assessing Business Impacts and Dependencies Upon Ecosystem Services
•    NEXT Foundation Invests in Large Conservation Project
•    Builder Pre-wires Homes for Solar, EVs
•    Maturity and Whole System Thinking
•    Go Green Expo – Auckland
•    Inaugural Meeting of Financial Stability Board’s Climate Disclosure Task Force
•    Missing Element?
•    Couple Protect Over 2 Million Acres and Donate Land to the Public
•    How Faith-based Organisations Can Evaluate Their Work

To see the newsletter click here.

Sustainability Matters 3rd March 2016

•     Sustainability Group Events
•      Integrated Reporting: Will It Make a Difference?
•      Integrated Reporting – Panel Discussion Seminar
•      6 Principles to Catalyse a New Generation of Collaboration for Sustainability
•      Quotes of the Week
•      Wise Response Strategy Workshop and Public Meeting: How does NZ Move Forward from COP21?
•      How Forest Loss Is Leading To a Rise in Human Disease
•      Methane Gas and what it Means to USA
•      The PM’s 2016 Summer Reading List
•      NZ Post Confirms Electric Vehicles as the Way of the Future
•      Revolutionising Resource Use – How Your Business Can Benefit from the Circular Economy
•      Record Inflow Takes Australian Ethical past $1.4 billion FUM
•      The Big Sustainability Shift
•      Social Enterprise Workshops
•      Talented and Influential Sustainability Experts Sought by Auckland Council
•      Soil Testing from the Sky
•      What DiCaprio Said at the Oscars
•      Case Study: Patagonia’s Circular Economy Strategy
•      The Elements of Power by David Abraham

To see the newsletter click here.