Sustainability Matters 30th March 2017

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    ‘Budget Responsibility Rules’ Labour/Greens
•    Leadership in Sustainability Summit – Positioning Sustainability as the Ultimate Innovation Driver
•    Western Australia is the Climate Emergency ‘Canary in the Coalmine’
•    Government MPs Vote Down Sustainability Bill
•    Sustainability is Not Enough; We Need Regenerative Cultures
•    Levi’s Dreams Big to Lead Change in the Fashion Industry
•    School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE)
•    Companies Save $14 for Every $1 Invested in Reducing Food Waste
•    Communicating the Natural Capital Benefits of Built Asset Design
•    Environmental Pressures Rising in New Zealand
•    New Cafe and Retail Space Opens at Middlemore Hospital
•    OECD Takes NZ to Task for Approaching Environmental Limits in Limitless Growth Quest
•    Audit & Assurance – The Icing On the Sustainability Cake
•    1st Annual Regenerative Future Summit
•    Passive Progressive
•    Creating Living Buildings – Professional Short Course
•    Measuring the Earth: Classical Calculations About World’s Size and Shape
•    Science Teach-In Toolkit

  • To see the newsletter click here.


  • Sustainability Matters 16th March 2017

    In this edition;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    Invisible Wounds
    •    Reduce Building Running Costs – ‘FreeBee’!
    •    The Story of Microfibers
    •    90% of Rivers and Lakes Swimmable by 2040
    •    Flame Retardants Linked to Child Aggression
    •    Discover and Exchange Ideas
    •    World Renowned Social Entrepreneur Prof. Muhammad Yunus to Visit Christchurch
    •    2016 Legatum Prosperity Index™
    •    IdealCup Coffee Couple Want to Make Motueka a Disposable Cup-free Zone
    •    Where Companies With a Long-term View Outperform their Peers
    •    Environmental Product Declarations – Webinar
    •    If We Are Reaching Neoliberal Capitalism’s End Days, What Comes Next?
    •    Certifying Quality Buildings – A Transformative Opportunity
    •    CSEAR Teaching Case Study Competition 2017
    •    Activists Paying with Their Lives
    •    Enter Finance for the Future Awards 2017
    •    Would-be Environmental Accountant Meets Mother Nature in a Pub: A Dialogue
    •    Context and Capitals – The Next Big Things in Corporate Sustainability
    •    LED Wireless Street Lighting System in Cambodia Wins Award
    •    Cruise Companies Cutting Air Pollutants

    Maggie Lawton

    A ‘young’ Maggie Lawton departed this realm on 13th March as the result of cancer.

  • An extraordinary person Maggie contributed considerably to ‘sustainability’ and
  • communities throughout New Zealand. Some insights of Maggie and her contributions
  • are expressed very ably by Rachael Brown CEO of Sustainable Business Network at
  • To see the newsletter click here.


  • Sustainability Matters 2nd March 2017

    In this edition;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    Overcoming Societal Addictions: What Can We Learn From Individual Therapies?
    •    Investing in People and the Planet
    •    Think Resilience: Preparing Communities for the Rest of the 21st Century
    •    Towards a Framework for Defining and Measuring Changes in Natural Capital
    •    Life In a Post-flying Australia, and Why it Might Actually be OK
    •    Plastic Waste into Concrete
    •    Whether You Run Your Business for Short Term Gains or Sustainable Goals, Readers of Your Annual Report Should be Able to Tell
    •    Who’s Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military
    •    VisionFund International, Microfinance Network – Social Performance Report
    •    Declare in New Zealand
    •    ‘Planned Retreat’ Enters the Climate Dialogue
    •    Al Gore Principal Speaker at ECOCITY World Summit 2017 – Melbourne
    •    Otago Polytechnic, Student Village Dunedin
    •    10 Reasons to Build Resilience
    •    The Power Use and Mis-use of Social Media and Big Money
    •    National Network Manager
    •    New Zealand One of 19 Full Democracies
    •    Building a Human Economy
    •    Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals Natural Capital Protocol Recognised as Important Tool
    •    Ireland to Become First Country to Fully Divest from Fossil Fuels.

    To see the newsletter click here.


    Sustainability Matters 16th February 2017

    In this edition;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    How Corporate Dark Money is Taking Power on Both Sides of the Atlantic
    •    Thriving in the Uncertain Economy
    •    29th CSEAR Conference – Scotland
    •    Eco-friendly Food Packaging to be Trialed at Major Events
    •    FOUND – NZ’s Best New Food Businesses
    •    Mini-farms Sowing the Seeds of Global Food Security
    •    SDG Compass Annex: Linking the SDGs and GRI Standards
    •    “Carbon Insetting? – What’s that?
    •    Global Risks Report 2017
    •    What is the Real Cost of That Dress? – Where You are Putting Your Money
    •    ActionStation’s Plan for 2017 Election
    •    Responsible Investment Masterclass
    •    Business Model Research
    •    About WTMF
    •    Silicon Will Blow Lithium Batteries Out of Water, Says Adelaide Firm
    •    2017 National Sustainability Conference – Australia.

    To see the newsletter click here.


    Sustainability Matters 2nd February 2017

    In this edition;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    Young Filmmakers Have the Chance to Make Environmental Movie Magic
    •    Life Cycle Management and Industrial Ecology Student Symposium
    •    GRI Works with IIRC and Leading Companies to Eliminate Reporting Confusion
    •    Sustainability & Resilience Advisors Sought
    •    117 Organisations to Watch in 2017
    •    Sustainability is Good for Business
    •    Government Subsidies to the Global Financial System: A Preliminary Exploration
    •    How Starbucks Yields the Benefits of Materiality
    •    10 Things I’ve Learned From Working in the Sustainability Field for 25 years
    •    Award for Schools Healthy Heating Project
    •    How Regenerative Organic Agriculture Can Save the Planet (Part II)
    •    Sustainability and HM Treasury
    •    Dear Future Generations: Sorry
    •    TEDxScottBase
    •    Inventions Changing Lives in Timor-Leste
    •    Killing an Australian Reef More Economically Valuable than the Great Barrier Reef
    •    Creative Ability – Muscular Dystrophy Designers
    •    Ten Power-Packed (Kid-Friendly) Snack Tips.

    To see the newsletter click here.


    Sustainability Matters 19th January 2017

    In this first edition for 2017;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    Celebrating the Biggest Conservation Wins of 2016
    •    Win for Whales, Dolphins as Obama Rejects Explosive Blasting for Oil
    •    99 Reasons Why 2016 was a Good Year
    •    The Soul of an Octopus, Winner of the 2016 Orion Book Award
    •    Sustainable Schools Advisor
    •    630+ Businesses to Trump: Support the Low Carbon Economy Businesses Back Low-Carbon USA
    •    With Rousing Call for Climate Action Obama Bids Farewell
    •    Saving Multiple Birds with One Stone
    •    ‘Inclusive Economy Unit’ Created by British Government
    •    Austerity Has Failed
    •    Study Guide and Flash Cards
    •    TEDx ScottBase
    •    Draft Water New Zealand Good Practice Guide for the Beneficial Use of Organic Waste Products on Land
    •    Orchestrating Change: Catalyzing the Next Generation of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Sustainability
    •    A Cure for Post-Election Malaise
    •    San Francisco Bans Styrofoam
    •    This is the Most Dangerous Time for Our Planet
    •    Cluster Development Handbook Launched
    •    Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting
    •    New Law Says Pension Funds Must Assess Climate Risk.

    EXTRA! Appended is an interesting thought piece ‘Orion Lighting the Way’ by Scott Russell Saunders.
    He is a contributing author to Orion magazine.

    To see the newsletter click here.


    Sustainability Matters 19th December 2016

    In this edition;

    •    Sustainability Group Events
    •    Peace Officers Initiative
    •    Climate Related Financial Disclosure for Business: An Imperative for 2017
    •    10 Years On From the Stern Report
    •    Sustainability Analyst – T&G
    •    Why I Have Been Unemployed for Two Years
    •    The Global Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels has Doubled Since 2015
    •    Leadership in Sustainable Business
    •    Sustainability Reporting in Stock Exchanges ‘Comes of Age’
    •    Do we Have All the Knowledge we Need for a Sustainable Future?
    •    Maximising Utility – Taking Measures of Wellbeing Seriously in Policy
    •    In Some Ways, Nothing Changed
    •    Greens Secure Two Important Bills from Ballot
    •    Human Rights Challenges for Business in 2017
    •    Sustainability Practices Dashboard
    •    David Attenborough on Climate Change: ‘The World Will be Transformed’ – video
    •    Bonuses.

    To see the newsletter click here.