About this site

This web site replaces a site developed using FrontPage which is now ancient history and certainly not friendly toward newer browsers or mobile devices. It is running on an Linux web server. Written using WordPress with the Nirvana theme, plus other WordPress tools.  Concurrent with the ‘big shift’ these replacement pages have changed content, look and feel.

A key intent is to provide a vehicle for new’ish editions of the Sustainability Matters newsletters Ray has been publishing fortnightly since about 2001 to be available on the “www”; and from a web site of his own rather than via cloud storage services such as DropBox or Google Drive.

A further purpose is provision of a miscellany of information about ‘sustainability’ which site visitors will hopefully find useful and interesting – especially in the New Zealand context – and with some focus toward the potential interests of chartered accountants, among others.  The field is so vast and fast moving, capacity limitations mean it is neither possible to be fully comprehensive, nor up to date.Fig__higo_from_www_grupoian_com_castellano_heurta_img_arboles_higo

And as the TV adverts say ‘there is more’.  Another purpose is to provide a vehicle for periodic blogs should Ray be so ‘moved’ – something one of his three offspring (Rob in Singapore) has been encouraging his Dad to do for years and years – to ‘get with it’, move on  and consider doing things differently.

Finally, (although it is not the end!), Sustainability Matters is the name of a small New Zealand business focused on ’sustainability’.  ‘Sustainability’ does matter to every one of us; the collective inter-dependent environmental, social and economic aspects of our precious world.

There is no economy on a depleted Earth

Greenpeace Facebook post, 12th October 2015

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