Sustainability Matters  27th October 2016

In this edition;

•    Sustainability Group Events
•    Global Deal Reached to Limit Powerful Greenhouse Gases
•    Higher Living Standards Framework Event
•    Remarkable Weather of 1911: The Effect of the Combustion of Coal on the Climate – What Scientists Predict for the Future
•    Apocalypse H20 – How Companies are Accounting for the True Value of Water
•    NZ’s First Climate Activism Novel
•    Seaweed Could Hold the Key to Cutting Methane Emissions from Cow Burps
•    The Great Derangement – Climate Change and the Unthinkable
•    Capital Gains – The Real Returns on Investment in Restoring Our Waters
•    India Just Hit a Massive Milestone, and the Entire World should Take Note
•    SDGA16: Australian Sustainable Development Goals Conference
•    Tackling Poverty in New Zealand
•    Measure What Matters
•    Accounting for Climate Change – How Management Accountants Can Help Organisations Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change

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