Books and Other Media

From this page you can access a pile of references to books, videos, films and more. Because of continual changes to the material – and the list is far from complete – the table will always be a ‘work-in-progress’.

For books, films and DVDs some authors have died since completing their contribution. For some of them their vision continues via foundations or in some other way.

For many items there is more. For instance for films and DVD’s there’s often a book and/or material to engender discussion in classrooms and elsewhere. It is not unusual for there to be a subsequent edition, or versions of different lengths. Release/publication dates may differ between countries.

Almost always there are reviews and critiques. Oftentimes works are referenced in academic and other material. For most Wikipedia has an entry. Awards have been conferred on many. A large number are now available on the Internet, often at no charge, and are frequently available in libraries.

There is a preponderance of material originating from USA – a fascinating insight!

(a) The table is wider than can be viewed on screens; use the scroll bar at the bottom of the display to see additional columns
(b) The table is sortable on any one column
(c) As it is difficult to find on the Web a copy of the seminal New Zealand discussion paper Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (dated November 2000, published August 2001) has been provided here for your convenience; a PDF file.
(d) The same applies to the Report of the Taskforce on Sustainable Development Reporting published 2002 by the then Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand.
(e) Similarly for the discussion document A Plea to the Accounting Profession: Governance for Sustainability published December 2009 by the then Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand.
(f) On 19th July 2018 Jane Diplock a professional director who has been pro-active over many years in the fields of securities, governance, and reporting among others, provided a keynote address to a webinar under the auspices of NZ Treasury partnered by CA ANZ. Jane’s thought provoking speech is of some importance to chartered accountants in New Zealand Australia and elsewhere. It alerts them to significant global and local happenings in the reporting sphere and alerts them to emerging requirements and opportunities. It merits reading and consideration for action especially by chartered accountants. She has kindly made the text available. Holistic or Integrated Thinking for the 21st Century

Media Type
About Author(s)
Publisher or Substitute
Sustainability Matters
BookA Natural Sense of Wonder: Connecting Kids with Nature through the Seasons2008Rick Van Noy, Brian Doyle 152USA Magazine2009-01-22
BookA New Generation of Business Leaders2000Leanne Holdsworth216NZ from various libraries and 2nd hand bookshops.Editor2007-12-13
BookA Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster2009Rebecca Solnit432UK Markham2012-01-19
BookAccounting & Accountability: Changes and challenges in corporate social and environmental reporting1996Rob Gray, Dave Own and Carol Adams332UK
BookAccounting for a Clean Green Environment: Obligations and Opportunties for New Zealand Businesses and their Accountants1999Bruce Gilkison and KPMG (Shaun Collins)168NZ from various libraries and 2nd hand bookshops.Editor2007-12-13
BookAccounting for the Environment1993Rob Gray with Jan Bebbington and Diane Walters348UK
BookAdapting to Climate Change in Eastern New Zealand: A Farmer Perspective. A resource kit.2006Gavin KennyVariousNZ
BookAffluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic [3rd Edition 2014]2002John De Graaf, David Wann, Thomas Naylor and Scott Simon288USA
BookBelieving Cassandra: How to be an Optimist in a Pessimist's World [2nd edition]1999Alan AtKisson240Swe/USA Mathieu2003-10-02
BookBiomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature1997Janine M. Benyus320USA
BookBlessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being & Why No One Saw it Coming2007Paul Hawkin282/352USA
BookBusiness as Unusual: The Journey of Anita Roddick and the Body Shop2001Annita Roddick304UK
BookBusiness Lessons from a Radical Industrialist2011Ray Anderson336USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookCadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water1993Marc Reisner608USA
BookCannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business1999John Elkington424UK
BookCapitalism As If The World Matters [2nd edition]2005Jonathon Porritt360UK Anna Kim, April 20052006-05-04
BookCollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed [Revised 2011]2005Jared Diamond608USA
BookConscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business [2nd edition]2013John Mackey, Rajendra S. Sisodia, Bill George368USA Reichert, 29th April 20152015-05-28
BookCradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way we Make Things2002William McDonough and Michael Braungart208USA
BookDancing With the Tiger: Learning Sustainability Step by Natural Step2002Brian Natrass and Mary Altomore288USA
BookEco Pioneers: Practical Visionaries Solving Today's Environmental Problems1998Steve Lerner476USA 2002No
BookElon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future2015Ashlee Vance400USA Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookEnd of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality2011Richard Heinburg336USA Holland 27/3/2016 and various others earlierNo
BookExponential Organizations: Why New Organizations Are Ten Times Better, Faster, and Cheaper Than Yours (And What to Do about It)2014 Salim Ismail, with Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest326USA Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookExtinction: A Radical History2016Ashley Dawson130USA Withers, 12th Oct 20162016-11-10
BookFactor Four: Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use - A Report to the Club of Rome1998Ernst von Weizs„cker, Amory Lovins and Hunter Lovins352Ger
BookFighting Globesity - - A Practical Guide to Personal Health and Sustainability2007Phillip and Jackie Mills303NZ
BookGood to Great2001Jim Collins320USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookGreen Ledgers; Case Studies in Corporate Environmental Accounting1995Janet Ranganathan, Edited by D Ditz,, and R D Banks190USA, Nov 20012001-11-11
BookHow to Change the World: A Practical Guide to Successful Environmental Training Programs2013Clare Feeney250NZ Feeney, 14th June 20132013-07-27
BookHow to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual?s Guide to Stopping Climate Change2007Chris Goodall336UK
BookInternational Business and Global Climate Change2009Jonatan Pinkse, Ans Kolk202UK andÿCSEAR2008-12-22
BookLimits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind [42Mb PDF file] Publisher Potomac Associates1972Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers William W. Behrens III211USA News, 9th April 20092009-04-16
BookLimits to Growth: The 30 year Update2004Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers and Dennis Meadows338USA News, 9th April 20092009-04-16
BookMaking Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts 2014Marc J. Epstein and Adriana Rejc Buhovac308USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookManaging for Stakeholders: Survival, Reputation, and Success (The Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics Series in Ethics and Lead) 2007R. Edward Freeman200USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookMid-course Correction: Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model1998Ray C Anderson204USA, Nov 2001 2001-11-11
BookNatural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution2000Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and Hunter Lovins416USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookOur Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent CleanEnergy2016Richard Heinberg and David Fridley248USA Heinberg, 14th June 20162016-06-23
BookPeak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines2007Richard Heinberg240USA
BookPlan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilisation2006Lester R Brown400USA Herald, 8th Mar 20082008-03-20
BookPour Your Heart Into It : How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time1999Howard Schultz368USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookProfits With Principles: Seven Strategies for Delivering Value with Values2004Ira A Jackson and Jane Nelson400USA
BookReinventing Paradise: How New Zealand is Starting to Earn a Bigger, Sustainable Living in the World Economy 2007Rod Oram192NZ, 5 Oct 20072007-10-18
BookRuby and the Blue Sky [Perhaps the first NZ climate change novel]2016Katherine Dewar352NZ/UK Dewar, 18th Oct 20162016-10-27
BookSaving Capitalism: for the Many Not the Few2016Robert Reich304USA Finlayson Facebook Share 31 March 2016No
BookSix Capitals ? The Revolution Capitalism Has to Have, or can accountants save the planet? 2014Jane Gleeson-White368Aust, June 20152015-06-11
BookSocial Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships2006Daniel Goleman403USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookSteady-State Economics (2nd Edition) [1st published 1977]1991Herman E Daly318USA Martin, 27th May 20122012-06-07
BookStirring it Up: How to Make Money and Save the World2008Gary Hirshberg240USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookStorms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity2009James Hansen320USA and
BookStrong Sustainability for New Zealand2010Sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand Inc (SANZ)52NZ Frisbie,Mar 20102010-03-18
BookThe Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society2010Frans De Waal304USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookThe Australian Green Consumer Guide: Choosing Products for a Healthier Home, Planet and Bank Balance2007Tanya Ha239Aus
BookThe Biblical Mandate for Caring for Creation2011David Tripp150NZ Telegraph2011-12-22
BookThe Breakthrough Challenge: 10 Ways to Connect Today?s Profits with Tomorrow?s Bottom Line2014John Elkington and Jochen Zeitz272UK Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookThe Chrysalis Economy: How Citizens CEOs and Corporations Can Fuse Values and Value Creation2001John Elkington308UK
BookThe Civil Corporation: The New Economy of Corporate Citizenship [Revised 2007]2001Simon Zadek304UK
BookThe Clever Moron1977Richard Segar Scorer171UK Huggard2008-12-22
BookThe Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability [Revised 2010]1993Paul Hawkin256USA
BookThe Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review2007Nicholas Stern712UK
BookThe Ethical Investor: Make Money and Feel Good About It2007Anne-Marie Spagnolo132Aus
BookThe Great Derangement - Climate Change & the Unthinkable2016Amitav Ghosh176Ind Withers, 16th Oct 20162016-10-27
BookThe Great Derangement ? Climate Change and the Unthinkable2016Amitav Ghosh176India Withers, 16th Oct 20162016-10-27
BookThe Green Bottom Line: Environmental Accounting for Management; Current Practice and Future Trends1998Martin Bennett and Peter James432UK
BookThe Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World2015Andrea Wulf496UK Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookThe Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century2006James Kunstler336USA
BookThe Market for Virtue: The Potential And Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility2006David Vogel222USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookThe Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy2011Lisa Dodson240USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookThe Natural Step for Business; Wealth, Ecology and Evolutionary Corporation1999Brian Nattrass and Mary Altomare240USA
BookThe Poisoning of New Zealand2000Merial Watts224NZ
BookThe Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World2008John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan272UK Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookThe Professional Accountancy Bodies and the Provision of Education and Training in Relation to Environmental Issues2001Rob Gray and David Collison, with John French, Ken McPhail, and Lorna Stevenson237UK
BookThe Profit of Peace: Corporate Responsibility in Conflict Regions2005Karolien Bais and Mijnd Huijser144Thai
BookThe Soul in a Computer: The Story of a Corporate Revolutionary2001Barbara Waugh272USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookThe Sustainability Handbook: The complete management guide to achieving social, economic and environmental responsibility [2nd editon]2007William Blackburn799USA
BookThe Third Wave [1984 560 pages]1971Alvin Toffler544USA Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookThe Weather Makers: How We Are Changing the Climate and What it Means to Life on Earth2008Tim Flannery352Aus
BookThe Zeronauts: Breaking the Sustainability Barrier2012John Elkington276UK Feeney, 6th April 20162016-04-14
BookThis Changes Everything - Capitalism vs the Climate2014Naomi Klein576USA Aotearoa, 27th November 20142014-12-18
BookThree Cities - Seeking Hope in the Anthropocene2016Rod Oram128NZ, 23rd August 20162016-09-01
BookValue Shift: Why Companies Must Merge Social and Financial Imperatives to Achieve Superior Performance2003Lynn Sharp Paine304USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookWhat Matters Most: How a Small Group of Pioneers Is Teaching Social Responsibility to Big Business, and Why Big Business Is Listening 2006Jeff Hollender and Stephen Fenichell392USA Gunther /GreenBiz2012-01-19
BookWork in Progress: Four Future Scenarios for New Zealand2007Rhys Taylor, Bob Frame, Kate Delaney and Melissa Brignall-Theyer110NZ
Book (Novel)Ruby and the Blue Sky2016Kath Dewar352NZhttp://www.KatherineDewar.net Dewar, 18th Oct 20162016-10-27
Case StudiesApocalypse H20 ? How Companies are Accounting for the True Value of Water2011CIMA12UK, 29th Sept2016-10-27
ConventionUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change2015United Nations27Multi, Dec 20152016-03-31
DocumentaryThirty Million[Sea level rise impacts -Bangladesh]2016Daniel Price, Adrien Taylor35 minMulti Advantage, 21st July 20162016-08-18
DVDOil on Ice2004Bo Boudart and Dale Djerassi [Directors]60 minUSA
DVDOil, Smoke and Mirrors [49 minutes for some versons]2005Ronan Doyle [Director]113 minIreland
DVDThe Middle-earth Connection; David Jacobs [3 short DVDs]2005David Jacobs23 minNZ Jacobs, Nov 20062006-11-30
DVDTroubled Water2006Paul Manly [Director]51 minCanada
DVDWal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price2005Robert Greenwald [Director]98 minUSA
EncyclicalOn Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') [A5 size page PDF]2015Pope Francis184Vatican , May 20152015-06-25
Film11th Hour2007Leila and Nadia Conners [Directors]92 minUSA
FilmAmazing Grace ? William Wilberforce [Slave Trade]2006Michael Apted [Director]118 minUK/USA
FilmAn Inconvenient Truth (Book & DVD) [Al Gore]2006Davis Guggenheim [Director]96 minUSA
FilmBefore the Flood2016Fisher Stevens [Director and Producer]95 minUSA Maher, 7 Oct 20162016-10-13
FilmDisobedience: Courage to Break Free2016Kelly Nyks [Director]41 minUSA 23rd April 20162016-04-28
FilmEnd of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream2004Gregory Greene [Director]78 minCanada
FilmEnron: The Smartest Guys in the Room2005Alex Gibney [Director]109 minUSA
FilmHow to Let Go of the World and Love all the Things Climate Can't Change2016Josh Fox [Director]125 minUSA, 19th May 2016.2016-05-26
FilmMy Father?s Garden2016Ben Sombogaart [Director]112 minHolland
FilmThe Perfect Storm2000Wolfgang Petersen [Director]130 minUSA
FilmTotal Denial2006Milena Kaneva [Director and Producer]74 minBulgaria
FilmWho Killed the Electric Car2006Chris Pain [Director]92 minUSA, 31st July 20062006-09-07
GuideA Practical Guide to ESG Integration for Equity Investing2016Justin Sloggett, CFA118Multihttp://www.unglobalcompact.org, 29 Sept 20162016-10-13
GuideInternational Guidance Document: Environmental Management Accounting2005International Federation of Accountants87USA
LectureLet Them Drown: The Violence of Othering in a Warming World2016Naomi Klein48 minUSA ECO, 1st June 2016.2016-06-09
PaperSustainable Development in New Zealand: Here Today, Where Tomorrow?2000Stephen Knight-Lenihan; Catherine Syme; Dorothy WilsonNZSearch NZ libraries via http://www.worldcat.org Gartner, 2001No
ReportBuried Treasure: Uncovering the Business Case for Corporate Sustainability2001John Elkington62UK
ReportLooking Through the Wellbeing Kaleidoscope: Lessons from the European Social Survey2016Eric Harrison, Saamah Abdallah, Annie Quick [Editors]74UK Dalziel, 26th May 20162016-06-09
ReportThe Limits to Growth Revisited2011Ugo Bardi119Italy, 23rd July 20162016-08-18
ReportThe Rise of Environmental Crime ? A Growing Threat To Natural
Resources Peace, Development And Security
2016C. Nellemann (Editor in Chief)108Multihttp://www.unep.org, 29 Sept 20162016-10-13
ReportThe Sky's the Limit: Why the Paris Climate Goals Require a Managed Decline of Fossil fuel Production2016Greg Muttitt and contributors60Multi,, 4 Oct 20162016-10-13
ReportThe State of the World's Children 20162016Kevin Watkins [Principal author]180Multihttp://www.unicef.org Vision, 6 Oct 20162016-10-13
Study guideThis Changes Everything Study Guide [Various types of resources for classroom use]2015Naomi KleinVariousUSA Alerts & Events, 27th July 20162016-08-04

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