Sustainability Matters 14th September 2023

In this edition of Sustainability Matters in which you can read about;

      •    The Road to Net Zero of 14 Peak Accounting Bodies
      •    Global Stocktake on Climate Change Agreement
      •    AUS$150 trillion of Investors Call for Mandatory Reporting of Climate Transition Plans
      •    Microplastics Are Filling the Skies. Will They Affect the Climate?
      •    Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit: What They Don’t Tell You About the Climate Crisis
      •    The Safety Leader’s Role in ESG’s Social Pillar
      •    Staff Guidance: Transition Planning
      •    Islands in a Rising Ocean
      •    CBA’s New Fossil Fuel Lending Rules
      •    The Terrifyingly Accurate World of Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future
      •    How to Successfully Create the Next National Plan to Cut Emissions
      •    Efforts to Accelerate NZ Native Biodiversity
      •    Roadmap to Net-Zero Carbon for New Zealand’s Concrete Industry
      •    Resiliency in the Ashes
      •    In New Scramble for Africa, an Arab Sheikh is Taking the Lead
      •    Climate Action Workshop – Using the Climate Fresk Model
      •    Finalists Announced for 2023 Sustainable Business Awards
      •    World-first Court Settlement – Climate Risk for Government Bonds.

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