Sustainability Matters 31st August 2023

In this edition of Sustainability Matters in which you can read about;
      •    Learning Through Doing: The Role of Academia in Driving Sustainability
      •    Critics of ‘Degrowth’ Economics Say it’s Unworkable – But from an Ecologist’s Perspective, it’s Inevitable
      •    Unexpected Benefits of Having Bank Branches in Local Communities
      •    Framing Messages Around the Climate Emergency
      •    The Transition to an ‘Economy of Enough’
      •    Sir Jonathon Porritt Accuses the Two Chrises Failing at Climate Leadership
      •    To Avoid Doubt Company Directors Now Have Enhanced Clarity About Their Duties
      •    Calls for ‘Ecocide’ Law in Scotland to Punish Those Who Destroy Nature Like War Criminals
      •    Funding to Upgrade Hot Water Heating
      •    Potential of Rock Dust to Draw Down Huge Amounts of Carbon Dioxide
      •    To Save the Planet, Should We Really Be Moving Slower?
      •    Report of the Expert Working Group on Managed Retreat: A Proposed System for Te Hekenga Rauora/Planned Relocation
      •    Oil Exec Joined the BlackRock Board Weeks Before Government Climate Announcement
      •    Sustainability: The Power of Industry Associations
      •    An Alternative to Plastic Building Wrap
      •    Disappearance of Vultures Can Have Unforeseen Consequences – for Humans Too.

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