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Add benefits and value to your organisation by;
Reducing risk |
Improving profits |
Cleaning up environmental and social images |
Improving marketing opportunities |
Improving supplier, customer, community and shareholder relationships |
Being "on the journey" ahead of new Government legislation. |
Do this by;
Discussing, reviewing, suggesting, critiquing |
Research and investigation |
Developing sustainability plans |
Managing projects, or sections of projects |
Facilitating organisational culture change. |
Sustainability Matters
offers services to;
Enhance business survival |
Boost manager knowledge and awareness of sustainability issues |
Prepare triple bottom line/sustainability reports |
Develop environmental accounting |
Channel knowledge and information - empowering organisations to help themselves |
Develop policies; packaging, purchasing, legislative compliance,
governance, etc |
Open doorways to a huge range of services connected to environmental and social methods and performance. |
Sustainability Matters
also provides support services in the areas of;
Research |
Documenting systems and procedures |
Internal audit |
writing |
Computer software implementation |
Systems refinement and improvement |
"Back office" support - large and small firms. |